Bourse Lucien-Piché/OmegaChem décernée à M. Charles-Émile Fecteau du département de chimie de l'
Le conseil d'administration est heureux d'annoncer que la bourse Lucien-Piché/OmegaChem 2018 est remise à M. Charles-Émile Fecteau du...

Bourse Lucien-Piché/ThermoFisher Scientific décernée à Mme Alexia Gravel du département de chimie de
Le conseil d'administration est heureux d'annoncer que la bourse Lucien-Piché/ThermoFisher Scientific 2018 est remise à Mme Alexia Gravel...

Bourse Lucien-Piché/KPrime Technologies décernée à Mme Léticia Dupont du département de chimie de l&
Le conseil d'administration est heureux d'annoncer que la bourse Lucien-Piché/KPrime Technologies 2018 est remise à Mme Léticia Dupont du...

Bourse Lucien-Piché/Gilead décernée à M. Dean Noutsios du département de chimie de l'Université
Le conseil d'administration est heureux d'annoncer que la bourse Lucien-Piché/Gilead 2018 est remise à M. Dean Noutsios du département de...

Lucien-Piché/IntellisynRD Scholarship awarded to Mr. Xavier Abel-Snape from the department of chemis
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2018 Lucien-Piché/IntellisynRD Scholarship is awarded to Mr. Xavier Abel-Snape...

Lucien-Piché/OmegaChem Scholarship awarded to Mr. Charles-Émile Fecteau from the department of chemi
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2018 Lucien-Piché/OmegaChem Scholarship is awarded to Mr. Charles-Émile Fecteau...

Lucien-Piché/ThermoFisher Scientific Scholarship awarded to Ms. Alexia Gravel from the department of
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2018 Lucien-Piché/ThermoFisher Scientific Scholarship is awarded to Ms. Alexia...

Lucien-Piché/KPrime Technologies Scholarship awarded to Ms. Léticia Dupont from the department of ch
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2018 Lucien-Piché/KPrime Technologies Scholarship is awarded to Ms. Léticia...

Lucien-Piché/Gilead Scholarship awarded to Mr. Dean Noutsios from the department of chemistry of McG
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2018 Lucien-Piché/Gilead Scholarship is awarded to Mr. Dean Noutsios from the...

Lancement du concours de bourses 2018 de la Fondation Lucien-Piché
La Fondation Lucien-Piché est heureuse de procéder au lancement de son concours de bourses d'excellence pour étudiantes et étudiants...