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Scholarship Program Description

The Fondation Lucien-Piché offers anually two to four 2,000$ scholarships to finishing students enrolled in an undergraduate chemistry program at a university within the province of Québec. To be eligible, the candidate must have completed, at the time of his/her application, at least 60 credits of a 90-credit program, or 90 credits of a 120-credit program.

Eligible Universities

How to Apply

​Each chemistry department can only submit one application and is responsible for selecting their candidate. The complete pdf applications must be submitted before June 30th 2023 by email at the following address: Incomplete applications could be invalidated by the evaluation committee. The Foundation does not take any responsibility for the invalidated applications. Please make sure that the following guidelines, in particular the page limits and the order in which the documents must be presented, are respected!

Each application must include the following:


1. A cover letter written by the applicant (maximum 2 pages) briefly describing his/her background and his/her career objectives.

2. A CV which includes, in the specified order, the following sections:

(a) full name, address, phone number, email;

(b) education (college, undergraduate studies, other relevant diplomas);

(c) prizes, scholarships and awards (name, date, amount);

(d) experience in research (internships);

(e) professional experience (relevant jobs);
(f) publications (authors, title of the paper, name of the journal, year, pages);
(g) oral presentations and posters (authors, title, name of the conference, location, date: cite only talks and posters given by the applicant);
(h) social and volunteering activities (period, location, brief description);

(i) extra-curricular activities (artistic, sports or social activities, or any other activities that demonstrate particular skills or competencies);
(j) any other relevant information that cannot be included in the previous sections.

3. The most recent university grade transcript.

4. One letter of support (maximum 2 pages) from the department OR a professor. Note that only one letter of recommandation is allowed. Applications that include more than one letter of support might be disqualified.

Evaluation committee

The applications are reviewed by a committee which is independent from the board of directors and which is composed of 4 experts in the field of chemistry from academia or industry. These experts, who are selected by the board of administrators, are recruited outside the Québec academic environment. The names of the reviewers are kept confidential.



The results of the competition are announced at the beginning of October in order to allow the awardees to include the Lucien-Piché scholarship in their provincial (FRQNT) and federal (NSERC) scholarship applications.

Platinum Sponsors

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